
Thanks for stopping by! I created this blog as a companion to my website, Becoming Godly Maidens.com. I hope you enjoy reading what I have posted and that you will come again. Let me know what you think! Leave a comment :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

12-22-09 "four...eggs...molasses..."

Today we made gingerbread cookies. In the past we have always made our gingerbread men look like the traditional type:

The Gingerbread Boy Outran the Baker... But He Didn't Outrun Me!

 But with the exception of this Venerable Gentleman, and select Friends, this year we were far more creative. Thus, Kevin from Home Alone:

AHHHHHHHGGGGG! (Shaving cream is painful for eight-year-old boys)


And the snorkler:

Float, Float, Float Your Tube......

A guy listening to an iPod

Listen to Tunes on your Candy Apple uPod Scuffle

This one got a little messed up when I tried to put him on the cookie sheet, and he looks like he may have been run over by a tractor or a bike or something.

Oops.. sorry, dude..

These ones could either be high-fiving or dancing.

Come on, cookie, twist and shout (Twist and shout) come on come on come on, Cookie...

This is what you do if you accidently amputate a limb while moving from cookie cutter to cookie sheet: make it look like it was on purpose.

Mr. Cobbler, can I purchase a single shoe?


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this deviation from the normal kind of entries I post here, which tend to have a bit more substance to them. I tried to find some sort of Biblical lesson that can be gathered from decorating cookies, but unfortuanately gingerbread was not invented until after 100 AD. So I will leave you with a small anecdote: Use your God-given creativity for God's glory! Decorate your cookies, and spread joy by giving them to a neighbor, a friend, or someone that needs a bit of Christmas cheer.

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