
Thanks for stopping by! I created this blog as a companion to my website, Becoming Godly Maidens.com. I hope you enjoy reading what I have posted and that you will come again. Let me know what you think! Leave a comment :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Support Parental Rights

I decided to follow President Obama on Twitter ( I follow my senator, representative and governor as well. It's good to know what's going on in the political arena even if I disagree with some of their politics). Today, our President said, "Each time we’ve made epic change, it's come from the grassroots rallying around a cause. That's what we need again." For once, I couldn't agree more. Although what I have in mind is probably a bit different than what he has in mind. We need people to rally around the grassroots movement of the Parental Rights Amendment. Yes, I know, I've dedicated my last few posts to either that or some other political topic! But this is so important and I refuse to let the issue go. Please get on http://www.ParentalRights.Org/ to get aquainted with the issue and sign the petition... this is too important for even those of you who are less politically minded to pass up.
     And this Parentl Rights Amendment will not promote an "epic change" that will cost you as a taxpayer billions of dollars... you can keep your change, Mr. President, thanks.


  1. Hey Jane,

    Did you delete your HSB account?

    Yes, I'm very concerned about the issue of parental rights as well. I'm Vice-President of the College Republicans chapter here in Greenville, so I'm going to try to use that as a platform to tell others about parentalrights.com and how to get involved.

  2. Have you seen this?
