For a school project, I have to define about a dozen forms of what Gary North refers to as “philosophies of organized envy.” Good description.
While doing research on National Socialism (Nazism), I stumbled across a National Socialist forum. Here I got the best definition of what National Socialism is and began to watch a very screwy video about why Nazism is great and the Holocaust was a lie and a bunch of cruddy bologna like that. It took me about 2 minutes to see that the video was not going to profit me in the least. As I scrolled up to click out of this messed-up site full of ethnocentric weirdoes, I caught site of the site’s slogan:
“White Pride, World-Wide.”
I felt tears stinging my eyes. These people are missing the whole point of humanity! I believe in one race: the human race. Who cares about pigment? Why does that even matter to people? It shouldn’t; to use a wise quote, “Our blood runs the same red.”
Don’t get caught up in racism, bigotry and ethnocentricism. Don’t be a fool.